Mike Grouchy

Mike Grouchy, March 5 2013

Yes, your code does need comments

I imagine that this post is going to draw the ire of some. It seems like every time I mention this on Twitter or anywhere else there is always some pushback from people who think that putting comments in your code is a waste of time.

I think your code needs comments, but so we have a mutual understanding, let's qualify that.

I understand this is a contrived example but this is the comment trap that new developers get caught in. These types of comments really aren't useful to anyone. Peppering the code that you just wrote with excessive comments, especially when it is abundantly clear what the code is doing, is the least useful type of comment you can write.

"Code is far better describing what code does than English, so just write clear code"

This is usually the blowback you get from comments like the ones above. I don't disagree, programming languages are definitely more precise than English. What I don't agree with is the idea that if the code is clear and understandable that comments are unneeded or don't have a place in modern software development.

So knowing this, what kind of comments am I advocating for? I'm advocating for comments as documentation. Comments that explain what a complex piece of code does, and most importantly what an entire function or Class does and why they exist in the first place.

So what is a good example of the kind of documentation I am talking about? I think Zed Shaw's Lamson is a fantastic example of this. Here is a code excerpt from that:

This code snippet is from https://github.com/zedshaw/lamson/blob/master/lamson/server.py. You can poke around the lamson code and see some good looking Python code but also some usefully documented code.

So, Hold on. Why are we writing comments?

Why are we writing comments, if you write clean, understandable code? Why do we need to explain what classes and functions do if the code is "clear" and easy to understand.

In my opinion, we write comments to capture intent. Comments are the only way to capture the intent of the code at the time of writing.

Looking at a block of code only allows you to understand the intent of that particular code at that moment in time which may be very different than the intent of the code at time of its original writing.

Writing comments captures intent.

Writing comments captures the original meaning of the code. Python has docstrings for this, other languages have comparable options. What is so good about docstring type comments? In conjunction with unambiguous class and function names they can easily describe the original intent of your code.

Why is capturing the original intent of your code important?

It allows a developer, at a glance, to look at a piece of code and know why it exists.It reduces situations where a piece of codes original intent isn't clear then gets modified and leads to unintended regressions.It reduces the amount of context a developer must hold his/her mind to solve any particular problem that may be contained in a piece of code.

Writing comments to capture intent is like writing tests to prove that your software does what is expected.
Where do we go from here?

The first step is to realize that the documentation/comments accompanying a piece of code can be just important as the code itself and need to be maintained as such. Just like code can become stale if you don't keep it updated so do comments. If you update some code you must update the accompanying comments/documentation or they become useless and can lead to more developer error then not having comments at all. So we have to treat comments and documentation as first class citizens.

Next we have to agree on what is important to comment on in your code, and how to structure your code to make your use of comments most effective. Most of this relies on your own judgement but we can cover most issues with some steadfast rules.

As you can see from the points above code as documentation and comments as documentation are not mutually exclusive. Both are necessary to create readable code that is easily maintained by you and future maintainers.

Written by

Mike Grouchy

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